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Showing posts from October, 2011

If you thought you saw a pig fly past your window

last Saturday, there's no reason to assume your next purchase will be a straightjacket or that a mushroom courtesy of Fleetwood Mac found its way into your lunchtime wrap. You may very well have seen a flying pig because, you see, the unthinkable happened...  Hubby spent an entire 8 hours shopping without so much as a whinge, a whine or an 'I've had enough' pout. Surprised? So was I. In fact, if I didn't have fabulous new patio furniture, a 12-piece mirror installation and a couch order to show for it, I too may think that it were all a 'shouldn't have had cheese before bed' dream. In the three years that I've been a Mrs I have never seen the man on such form. He was a shopping, price-comparing, interior design referencing machine. From Wetherly's to Sutherlands, from Sandton City to Kramerville, from Mistry's to Mr Price, hubby took retail therapy to a new level, putting even this seasoned shoppers stamina, agility and Sales Consultant r