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Showing posts from September, 2013

Yassus! It's been a while...

... and before my fellow South Africans cause themselves future irreversible forehead wrinklage in reaction to the first word of this post. 'Yassus!' is, as I learnt (amid parokolo's and calamero's), the plural form of 'Hello!' in Greek. Why Greek? Well, that's where I was this time last month... on a little island called Limnos debating quite seriously whether to top up the morning's  SPF30 application, waddle into the lukewarm bath known as the Mediterranean or vie for an ouzo over a frappĂ© ("It's always 12 o' clock somewhere after all). Decisions, decisions...  It was tough. At least as tough as a fortnight of siestas, lettuce-free salads and Mount Athos-framing sunsets can be. Such moments of indecision were alleviated by the presence of hubby and five of my favourite people who had kindly agreed to participate in this little escape from the places we live. If our Greek maxi-break was an episode of Friends it would have been titled: &q