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Abusing plastic to get the 'natural look'

I'm the kinda girl who falls for the 'free gift with purchase' promo every time. Even though I know that I'll never use the (not small enough to be a clutch/ not big enough to be a tote) silly coloured bag that's free with your purchase of two or more [insert brand here] products one of which must be an (over-priced, you're SO paying for the pacakaging) skincare product scribbled sneakily in small baby pink italic print. I can't resist a freebie and get very agitated when a brand I loyally spend my hard earned moolah on month after month refuses to offer a freebie-type incentive, not even at Christmas...

Yip, you read that correctly, not even at Christmas – the time of year that the bigwigs in retail rub their Gucci-wearing paws together in glee as they think of new and improved ways to make you spend your bonus quicker than I can wolf down a cupcake. 

I LOVE Bobbi Brown cosmetics... really, discovering the shimmer brick compact and the SPF-15, water-resistant skin foundation was as close to life-changing as a 'deep as a puddle' superficial make-up related discovery can be. But this love affair is not cheap... and just when I think I've managed to curb my spending, the clever people at Bobbi Brown bring out a new product range. And, I convince myself that trying doesn't have to equal buying

Yeah, fat chance of that when everything that the great BB churns out makes me look brighter, younger, fresher and as natural as you can get with ten different types of product on your face. Everything I touch at the BB counter turns to sold. 

Case in point... I popped past yesterday to grab a refill for my foundation and left with a new addition to my make up 'must-haves' – my very own Bobbi Brown Shimmer Blush. Thanks to the following sales pitch from a very fresh-faced sales consultant: "The silky formula glides on smoothly and evenly. Shades can be used individually or assembled into our palettes (sold separately)," she said matter-of-fact-ly. "Did I mention it was recently awarded Best Powder Blush by Allure magazine in its Best of Beauty awards and in Self magazine's annual 'Best of...'?" 

Going once, going twice... SOLD! to the girl in the Polo court shoes with absolutely zero willpower. Now if only Bobbi would get into the festive spirit and chuck in a free something to soften the blow when the credit card statement arrives in the mail...


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