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Cruisin' into 2010 – Part Three: Happy

It's pretty darn near impossible not to start a new year as the definition of happiness when the new year begins with a glitter bomb and sparkly stuff (literally) raining down from sapphire blue, star-speckled Mauritian skies while you hug and kiss your loved ones on the top deck of a massive cruise ship. I'm usually not one to post pics on this blog but sometimes a picture says more than words ever could so here's one that hubby took of me just as the clock struck 12 and everyone shouted 'Happy New Year!'...

The expression on my face is apparently one I pull often and as unflattering as it may be, 'The Monkey' (as my sister affectionately refers to it as) only makes an appearance at time of major, record-breaking happiness. You see, I'd hardly risk all that face wrinkling and possible need for a Botox-infused future, unless the moment really deserved such utter silly-ness. 

The fact that my hubby managed to capture this moment on film is, while a little embarrassing, pretty darn cool. Out of the gazillions of fabulously glamorous photos we snapped throughout the 11-day cruise – photos of relaxing, eating, exploring, swimming, partying and chillin' with a cocktail by the pool – this image will always remind me of all of the above. When I look at it I remember just how I felt at that moment... like the luckiest girl on the planet! As I danced, covered head to toe in sparkly stuff, in the refreshing drizzle of rain with the love of my life and a sea of smiling faces I was H.A.P.P.Y! 

I have to admit that the first few hours of 2010 set the bar pretty high for the rest of the year... but I’m up for the challenge. I dare you all to make decisions that lead to real moments of happiness, jump out of your comfort zone with enthusiasm, find reasons to smile in the most mundane situations and (this is an old chestnut) dance like nobody’s watchin’ – but just in case somebody is, a little pink lipgloss goes a long way!


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