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So this is what flat broke looks like...

not such a fan of the view. And even less impressed (but not surprised) by my particular brand of Sandtonite irresponsibility. You see, I have less cash to my name at the mo' than Malema has tact and yet I am still keeping my hair appointment this afternoon. Yip, I booked it weeks ago and just can't bring myself to cancel it. 
I figure if I'm going to have to deal with last year's Winter wardrobe and creative homecookin' from the things that have lurked in the back of my pantry cupboard since 2005 then having to deal with three months re-growth and frizzy grey hairs just may send me over the edge. My justification? I shouldn't have to cancel it because I should have been paid weeks ago... 
Confused? Let me explain. I have worked harder this past 6 weeks than I have in the past 6 months but the curse of the freelancer is the agency clanger – payment in 30 days from invoice. I knew that going in, and I was prepared for it, hubby and I knew that the first month of freelancing would mean more McCains oven chips and less fillet steak... problem is, it's been over a month and the cracks aren't showing (that happened last week) they're turning into mini Grand Canyons. 
I have several invoices sitting on the desks of several agency finance-type people just begging to be paid... so I wait... and I wait... and I check my bank account online every morning crossing my fingers, toes and even Ellie's paws in the hope that the numbers would have gone up and not further down. I may be having sense of humour failure but the dry Woody Allen-type humour in the situation isn't lost on me – it's a classic example of 'hurry up and wait'.I give myself the beginnings of an ulcer to meet deadlines and then sit and wait for weeks to get paid for work done. Kinda contradictory don't ya' think? *sigh*
The bottom line? I may not be able to afford to put petrol in my car tomorrow but my hair will look fabulous. Talk about letting the genetic stubborn streak take centre stage.


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