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Nothing quite like a great song

to get your mood from the basement to the ceiling. I have been so bogged down by deadlines and 'fat' days and generally feeling a little overwhelmed – from the moment Ellie wakes me up for her morning pee to the moment I hit Club Duvet – that I haven't wanted to blog. 
Until I discovered (right in the middle of coming up with ad campaign concepts for a de-worming tablet – oh, the glamorous life of a freelancer!) that VH1 plays pretty fab music at sundown. And I'm not talking about the golden oldies, I'm talking about the brand spanking gotta get it as my blackberry ringtone new stuff that serves as the soundtrack to student nights all over Jozi mid-week. 
Anyways, long story short I just spent the past 15 minutes bouncing around my living room singing along loudly (my poor neighbours were subjected to my ode to tone deaf-ness) to the new Flo-rida track 'The club can't even handle me right now' followed by that super cute 'I wanna be a billionaire so friggin' bad' song. If Katy Perry's 'California girls' had come on I may have had no choice but to open a bottle of vino, put my dancing shoes on and turn my coffee into a stage. 
The reason for this sudden outburst? It's pretty simple... I have had almost no fun lately and serious sense of humour failure was starting to set in. The kind of sense of humour failure that not even an Adam Sandler classic can cure. Too much work and not enough play has left this little copywriter very dull indeed. I am really not a fan of being dull – would hate people to start calling me beige – so it's time to do a little Spring clean of the soul. Time to be super cheesy and commit to dance more. Consider yourself warned, Mission: Neon Pink is underway!


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