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Vintage Wednesday (circa 2001)

Date sent: 21 January 2001
Age: 17 years and 10 months

Please excuse bad grammar, bad spelling and general teenager-ness. The words below have been left exactly as I found 'em...

"Well, the highlight of the past week : I SAW SNOW,REAL CHILLY ICEY SNOWFLAKES, I walked through them from the tube station to school... I was like a 5-year old @ Christmas... but the almost freezing (no exaggeration –1 degree ) tempretures are sure to make the novelty of snow wear off pretty soon.

I'm hectically busy with art at the moment, not to mention essay after essay from my art history teacher, but I'm doing what I love to do, so I'm not complaining - just working like a dog!

Bedroom update: I've got my curtains up, fully kitted out with pink bandanas as tie-backs and all... I even did laundry and washed the dishes (maybe I might become domesticated after all, and yes...maybe make a decent wife-type person!)

Hmmmmm, what else can I tell you? Well, I've been playing lots of pool, bought a really cute jersey-type top today, watched '10 things I hate about you' (for the '4000th' time), got to drink 'Dr.Pepper' (damn thats addictive stuff!), went for a run, met some of the local youth (nothing toooo spectacular) and finished this really cool oil painting for my second university application.

I'm actually missing seeing good old Sandton City on the horizon, believe it or not, and I'm 'even' missing all my ab.fab. family and friends, even my annorexic, death-defying cat! Just 8 weeks until Easter holidays, and then i can fly over to good old SA and see everyone again!

But despite what I say, I'm happy in the queen's country and my proudest moment so far? Not getting lost on the public transportation system and knowing exactly which street to turn down to get to the pub around the corner from school... so for all those who have always claimed I am 'directionally challenged' your hearts out.

Anyways i must get going, work to do, I have to type out my motivation for my latest artwork (they're big on documentation over here!)"


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