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Battle of the workouts (part five)

The catalyst for this five-part series of posts (Battle of the workouts) was a discussion I had with my training buddy a.k.a Drill Sergeant Groenewald about whether or not we should swap our Wednesday spinning class for a step class instead. 

Well, I’ve made no secret of my recently (surprisingly) found love of spinning (see my first spinning experience for more insight) and I’m all for trying out new things BUT am I gonna burn my butt into shape as quickly on a step as I am going to on a bike?

Spinning vs. step


How quickly will it make a difference? 
After two to three weeks of twice-weekly sessions.

How many calories does it burn? 
408-646 calories an hour.

Will it keep me motivated? 
Although it's a group session, spinning allows you to test yourself by increasing the workload as you get fitter. Look out for classes with video screens that take you on a virtual ride through pleasant scenery to less gym boredom.

Specific benefits:
Pedalling works most of the muscles in the legs and buttocks during the pushdown phase so you will get an unbelievably toned lower body. But your heart and lungs are the biggest beneficiaries.

Risk factors:
Cycling is not a good workout for the upper body, so you would need to include some resistance training. Make sure your seat is positioned correctly to avoid back strain and leg cramps - your extended leg at the bottom of the pedal stroke should be almost straight. Because it is a non-weight-bearing exercise, cycling is not good for strengthening bones.


How quickly will it make a difference? 
After four weeks of twice-weekly classes.

How many calories does it burn? 
510-612 per hour (depending on height of step).

Will it keep me motivated? 
You will notice changes in your body shape fairly quickly, but there are only so many times you can step on to a platform before utter boredom takes hold.

Specific benefits A study carried out two years ago by researchers at California State Polytechnic University showed that women who did step aerobics three times a week for six months experienced up to 3.3% increases in the bone density of their spines, hip and leg bones. It has good aerobic benefits as well as toning muscles in the bottom and legs.
Risk factors Not recommended for anyone with lower-back or knee problems. The repetitive stepping could aggravate existing injuries.

Victor: SPINNING (Yee-ha!!!)


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