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Vintage Wednesday (circa 2003)...

Date: 3 July 2003
Subject: Mr Jones and me...
Age: 20 years and 4 months
Time in the queen's country: Two and a half years

I know its been a while... "bad, bad Sherinne"  *slap on the wrist*... but it’s been a fun-filled month so make yourself comfortable, grab a cup of tea because this is going to be an essay-type mail...

The month of June has just whirled by in a haze. The whirlwind began with "An Evening with Counting Crows" at the Royal Albert Hall on the 6th. For those of you who do not know who Counting Crows are - shame on you - for those who do... i will now attempt to make you neon green with my account of the experience. I can sum it up in one word : WOW! I had no idea how good my ticket was until I actually found my seat, it was in the front row and the gap between myself and Adam Duritz (lead singer/ mastermind behind 'mr.jones') was filled by a mere 3 people and a security guard. 

The venue usually plays host to operas and classical concerts... very posh indeed... the kind of place where you sit still and only clap politely at the end of each act but that didn't stop the entire audience from jumping up and down like hooligans for 2 and a half hours. I was buzzing for about three days after the experience and am more of a fan now than I ever have been... if you ever get the chance to go to one of their gigs - GO... if you aren't a fan you will undoubtedly leave the venue converted.

The 4th, 11th and 13th of June were designated party nights... students will find any excuse to stay out until 5am, drink sambuca/tequilla/aftershock and render themselves useless to man or beast for at least 2 days after the event... End of term provided an extra good excuse and the club nights at the student union were good fun.  The James Bond 'shaken not stirred' theme night was particularly enjoyable - do all men look 'new and improved' in black tie?!? 

The undisputed highlight of my month - maybe even my year- was a two week visit from my sister. Not only was it a brilliant excuse to book off work for a few days but I was like a kid at Christmas the morning she arrived and couldn't get to the airport fast enough.  I unfortunately have to report that I am no longer the bigger sister, the little tart is now taller than me and looking very grown up in a UCT med student kinda way... am I mistaken, or is it not winter in SA? Winter in SA, boiling summer heat here, and she has a better tan than I do... its official, my skin has forgotten how to absorb sunlight. Oops, I digress, back to Rox's visit.

I take a lot of what the UK has to offer foregranted because I get so caught up in uni and work and bla bla bla...While she was out here it was fun to do touristy stuff... First stop was the Ritz. The folks, Roo and myself went for 'high tea' at the Ritz..." dahling, it was fabulous".... we worked up a little appetite by sampling the delights of bond street's shopping treats before indulging in cucumber sarmies, scones with clotted cream, lots of full fat, 'gonna set up permanent residence on your hips' pastries and tea with very strange, long, foreign names. 

As a surprise the piano player, or should I say 'artiste' played 'happy birthday' as one of the waiters in a penguin suit brought over a chocolate masterpiece with a single candle in it in honour of my dad's birthday. It put a whole new spin on Spur's ' yo (yo) hey (hey) heppy bethday' routine.

The following day we headed out of London in search of summer!  Brighton... sun, sea, sand, markets and a century old theme park kept us entertained... I couldn't believe that I was actually in England, it felt freakishly like Plett. Then it was off to Dover to sea the white cliffs, check out the castle and settle into a quaint B n B before going further along the coast to Margate, the Isle of Sheppe and Hernes Bay over the following few days. All in all it was a brilliant week. I had never been South of London before and have decided that a long weekend in Brighton with several mates is something that has to be done. A "Girly weekend" on the South Coast....mmmmm.... mental note: must organise ASAP.

Its really quite remarkable how 2 weeks fly by, When Rox left on Thursday it really did not feel like she'd been here for 14 days already, but that is just a testament to how much I enjoyed seeing my baby sister...time does fly when you're having fun!

On the work front, I feel like my Loch fyne uniform is about to bond to my body permanently... navy blue never was my colour. I could easily write lines and lines full of bitching and moaning but i won't because I chose to go full-time to make money and money I am making so to complain would be really silly. I can say, however, that people who choose it as a career must go home to padded cells... my manager was probably born fairly sane, but after a decade in the restaurant trade I can forgive him his major eccentricities... if you don't laugh you will cry, so the staff at Loch Fyne are always giggling and acting like 2 year olds...myself included... my tip packet once a week is like a giant can of Red gives me wiiiings to fly through another week of "would you like your tuna steak rare or medium?"

I really hope that July goes as quickly as June did because my mommy is coming to visit me in August for almost two whole weeks...woo-hoo! That should do wonders to curb my homesickness... plus I kinda like being fussed over, and only mothers manage to get it just right. It'll also do her good to see that I'm partying sensibly, eating correctly, not drinking too much and I'm cutting down on the ciggies (baby steps mom, baby steps). For 2 years she's heard me talk about uni and work and people, now she will actually get to see the places and meet the good friends I've made during my time here. Okay, I must stop talking about her visit because I'm getting over excited :)

After my mom departs I will only need to work for 2 weeks (a necessary, quick repair of finances) before Kriszti comes over to visit for a fortnight. hmmmm... so many cocktail bars, so little time. I feel very spoilt, my mom and my best friend coming to London combined with the Tri-nations, the start of my third year at Slade (plus a BIG studio space all to myself) then the world cup and then Christmas and then in March its off home for my 21st... YAY! The next few months are going to be great! oops, getting over-excited again... I can't help myself, its the subject matter. I am going to have to sign off, give my heart rate a chance to settle and do something about getting an early-ish night. Getting 8 hours will be novel, so I am going to bid you goodnight.


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