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Anyone up for a champagne breakfast?

Okay, so I'm not exactly a fashion expert/style guru but I am pretty sure that all-bran flakes, hot coffee and champagne satin don't go together. I'm also pretty sure that Murphy had a full on belly laugh at my expense this morning when I managed to trip up my stairs in slippers and spill the contents of my cereal bowl and coffee mug. Not once, but twice – yes I tripped again, seconds later, trying to limit the damage.

It was only when I got down the stairs to grab a dish towel to clean up my breakfast disaster that I realised something mortifying – my bridesmaid dress (my gorgeous floor length, satin Karen Millen creation) that I need to be wearing in 48 hours was hanging underneath my stair case *gulp* [insert shock, horror, gasp here] and it had not escaped unscathed...

I have never moved so quickly in my life before, I looked like the Tazmanian Devil on speed and was doing my best 'I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date' (from the Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland) impression – wiping, dabbing, rubbing away stubborn bits of bran flake off the neckline, praying, trying to remain calm and wishing that I'd chosen a glass of water over a cup of coffee when I had woken up.

Thankfully, I seem to have managed to remove all the evidence of my clumsy calamity. And, for good measure I hung the dress in my bathroom and proceeded to have a hot, hot, hot shower – filling my bathroom with more steam than a swedish sauna and crossing my fingers, toes and whatever other appendage I could cross in the hope that when I arrive home this evening the dress will be dry, uncreased and un-caffeinated.

I have to marvel at my own perfectly astounding sense of timing... only I could manage to orchestrate such a truly ludicrous accident – in slippers! Who trips in slippers? Unbelievable!


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